Instruments of Kingdom Service
We will be in prayer, fasting & consecration from Monday, November 12th through Friday, November 16th declaring our members as “Instruments of Kingdom Service.” As children of God we present our bodies as living sacrifices (instruments), holy and acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1). An instrument is merely a means by which something is done, such as a specific or a precision work. God gets His work done when we yield ourselves to Him as “instruments” for His service. We are agents for God!
Throughout Prayer, Fasting & Consecration Week, all Enon Covenant Partners are asked to be instant in prayer throughout the day both in the spirit and in the natural. Pray, believing that we give ourselves wholly unto the service of God’s Kingdom; that we have boldness and courage to carry out our ministry assignment to be a witness to others about receiving Christ and being planted in ministry; and that we follow instructions just as they are given to fulfill our ministry assignments wholeheartedly as unto the Lord. We are also asked to continue to fast the first 6 hours of each day (Mon-Fri) and consecrate to the Word by meditating on the scriptures Romans 6:13-23. Watch God and expect the increase!